I'm trying to make a script that take the URL of the "img src" then edit and finally put it on "a data-title= href", all them on each "item-foo item-bar item-foo bar" The edition works and I get the link but then I can't make the change I Try to do an "each" inside another "each" but it doesn't work, next try to return with the variable "video" but only the last one comes out.
I hope to explain myself well, English unfortunately is not my native language and on top of that I am learning javascript by kicks haha. My regards and respects.
I hope to explain myself well, English unfortunately is not my native language and on top of that I am learning javascript by kicks haha. My regards and respects!
<div class="item-foo item-bar item-foo bar">
<div class="inner-block">
<a data-title="" href="https://example.com/news/16143-chair.htm" title="Chair with rotten legs">
<span class="image">
<img src="https://thumbs.example.com/thumbs/v/i/d/e/o/chair38630.mp4/chair38630.mp4-3.jpg" alt="Chair with rotten legs" />
<div class="item-foo item-bar item-foo bar">
//similar content, diferent URLs
jQuery("span.image img").each(function() {
direccion = $(this).prop("src");
edit1 = direccion.replace("thumbs", "media");
edit2 = edit1.replace("thumbs", "videos");
index = edit2.indexOf("mp4");
video = edit2.slice(0, index + 3);
//console.log("The URL of the video is: " + video);
To find the containing <a>
you can use .closest('a')
and then set the .attr()
jQuery("span.image img").each(function() {
direccion = $(this).prop("src").replace("thumbs", "media").replace("thumbs", "videos");
$(this).closest('a').attr('href',direccion.slice(0, direccion.indexOf("mp4") + 3));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="item-foo item-bar item-foo bar">
<div class="inner-block">
<a data-title="" href="https://example.com/news/16143-chair.htm" title="Chair with rotten legs"> Right click and check href
<span class="image">
<img src="https://thumbs.example.com/thumbs/v/i/d/e/o/chair38630.mp4/chair38630.mp4-3.jpg" alt="Chair with rotten legs" />
<div class="item-foo item-bar item-foo bar">
<!--similar content, diferent URLs-->