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How can I draw Canvas conditional onload with v-if?

I'm new to Vue and JavaScript, so please help me understand this problem:

I want to dynamically showload different canvas elements on a page. The drawing of the canvas is defined in a seperate script.js file.

Here's a section of my code:

<canvas v-if="checkedBoxes.includes('Heart')" onload="drawHeart();" id="heartCanvas" width="300" height="240"></canvas>
<canvas v-if="checkedBoxes.includes('Star')" onload="drawStar();" id="starCanvas" width="240" height="240"></canvas>


function drawHeart() {
let heartCanvas = document.getElementById("heartCanvas");
let c = heartCanvas.getContext('2d');
... }

However, when a canvas element appears, it is not drawn by the Javascript function drawXY(). It seems to me that the onload event is not triggered when the element appears on the page. I also tried it with the Vue expression v-on:load="drawXY" without success. When i change the event trigger to onclick, it works, but that's not what I need.


  • So I finally found a solution for my problem!

    As I learned, onload events are not supported on every HTML element, only a few such as <body>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img> , ... See

    So I added an empty image after the canvas element, which executes the drawXY() function on load of the image.

    Here's the updated code:

    <template v-if="checkedBoxes.includes('Heart')">
        <canvas id="heartCanvas" width="300" height="240"></canvas>
        <!-- empty image for onload event -->
        <img onload="drawHeart();" src="" width="0" height="0" alt="" />
    <template v-if="checkedBoxes.includes('Star')">
        <canvas id="starCanvas" width="240" height="240"></canvas>
        <!-- empty image for onload event -->
        <img onload="drawStar();" src="" width="0" height="0" alt="" />

    It's the best workarround I've found, as other variants such as executing the function right after a checkbox is selected usually end up not working because the <canvas> element is not yet rendered and as a consequence, document.getElementById returns null. <script> tags are not allowed within v-if templates as they could have nasty side-effects.

    But if you have a better solution, please feel free to share it!