I have been revising my skills in the way I came to C language first to start from scratch I am working out few problems myself. In the way I am writing a program which outputs the length of the entered string the code goes like this.
int main()
char a[100];
int n=0;
printf("Enter the string : ");
printf("length of %s is %d\n",a,n);
It worked. But suddenly a thought came to my mind why don't we input an empty string and check whether the output would be 0(zero). I tried pressing enter in the command prompt where I generally run my code. But it goes on asking input until and unless I entered a valid input in the sense a string with characters. But how can I enter a manual string from the command prompt does it can happen or if it will. Hope my question is answered?
Thy the following
a[0] = '\0';
scanf( "%99[^\n]", a );
if (scanf( "%99[^\n]", a ) == 0) a[0] = '\0';
Another alternative is to use fgets
. But the function can append the new line character '\n' to the input string even if the input is empty. You need to remove it like for example
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
fgets( a, sizeof( a ), stdin );
a[ strcspn( a, "\n" ) ] = '\0';