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How to get particular row values in dynamic table if the 'text ' matches in Selenium Java

I can able to print all the values in webtable but not sure how to get particular row value.

Here I need print respective row value where text matches 'Aiden' because Aiden text might display in any of the row number there is no fixed position.



driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//clicking the left menu

              driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[text()='Web Tables']")).click(); 

// selecting the table      
              WebElement table = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@class='rt-table']"));  

//selecting the table header    
                List<WebElement> tableheaders = table.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='rt-thead -header']"));  

//printing all the table header values
                for (WebElement headername : tableheaders) {   
                    String text = headername.getText();

//selecting all row values
                List<WebElement> allrows = table.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@role='row' and @class='rt-tr -odd' or @class='rt-tr -even']")); 

// total row count

                int size = allrows.size();
                System.out.println("Rows size: "+size); 

// selecting all column values      
                for (int colnum = 0; colnum < size; colnum++) {
                    List<WebElement> colums = table.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='rt-td' and @role='gridcell'] /..")); 
                    WebElement firstColumn = colums.get(colnum);


  • You can create an empty string variable and assign its value when the row contains the given keyword

            String rowValue = "";
            for (WebElement webElement : tableRows) {
                if (webElement.getText().contains(searchedValue)) {
                    rowValue = webElement.getText();