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Xamarin IMarkupExtension, Get ViewModel Property Values

Below is a modified implementation of MvxLang.

My goal is to be able to implement screen reader text concisely with existing string values stored in <ViewModelName>.json files in our projects Resources, as well as dynamically generated text retrieved from <ViewModelName>.cs files.

I wish to use the following syntax:

xct:SemanticEffect.Description="{mvx:MvxLang ViewModel.SomeStringFromCsFile | SomeStringFromJsonFile | ViewModel.SomeOtherStringFromCsFile}"

This way our ViewModels/Xaml will not be bloated with screen reader text logic/markup.

My implementation works fine when only retrieving string value from <ViewModelName>.json files, but I wish to use a variety of values from <ViewModelName>.cs files as well...

My troubles occur in this block of code when calling GetValue(), I can return the value, but it appears IMarkupExtensions are called before the the ViewModel:

var prefix = "ViewModel.";
if (str.Contains(prefix))
    var vm = (rootObject is MvxContentPage)
        ? ((MvxContentPage)rootObject).GetViewModel()
        : ((MvxContentView)rootObject).GetViewModel();
    PropertyInfo prop = vm.GetType().GetProperty(str.Replace(prefix, string.Empty));
    var propValue = prop.GetValue(vm);
    return propValue as string ?? string.Empty;

Is there a way to return the runtime values here?

Here is the rest of the code:

public class MvxLang : IMarkupExtension
    readonly static IMvxTextProvider _textProvider = Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve<IMvxTextProvider>();
    public static string TransitioningViewModel { private get; set; }
    public string Source { set; get; }

    public object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        var valueProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget)) as IProvideValueTarget;
        var rootProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IRootObjectProvider)) as IRootObjectProvider;

        object rootObject = null;
        if (rootProvider == null)
            var propertyInfo = valueProvider.GetType()
                                            .FirstOrDefault(dp => dp.Name.Contains("ParentObjects"));

            var parentObjects = (propertyInfo.GetValue(valueProvider) as IEnumerable<object>).ToList();
            rootObject = parentObjects.Last();
            rootObject = rootProvider.RootObject;

        var name = string.Empty;
        if (!(rootObject is MvxContentPage || rootObject is MvxContentView))
            // Transitioning
            name = TransitioningViewModel;
            var page = (VisualElement)rootObject;
            name = page.GetType().BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name;    

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            var value = string.Empty;
            (bool, string) targetPropertyCheck = this.TargetPropertyCheck_ADA(valueProvider.TargetProperty);

            if (targetPropertyCheck.Item1)
                value = ProvideValue_ADA(targetPropertyCheck.Item2, _textProvider, rootObject, name, Source);
                return value;
                value = _textProvider.GetText(name, Source);
                return value;

        return string.Empty;

    public (bool, string) TargetPropertyCheck_ADA(object targetProperty)
        var propertyName = string.Empty;
        var isADA = false;
        if (targetProperty is BindableProperty _targetProperty)
            if (_targetProperty.DeclaringType.Name.Equals("SemanticEffect"))
                propertyName = _targetProperty.PropertyName;
                isADA = propertyName.Equals("Description") || propertyName.Equals("Hint");
        return (isADA, propertyName);

    public string ProvideValue_ADA( string propertyName, IMvxTextProvider textProvider, object rootObject, string name, string keyString)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyString) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
            switch (propertyName)
                case "Description":
                    if (keyString.Contains('|'))
                        var parameters = keyString.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                        IEnumerable<string> appliedStrings = parameters.Select(s =>
                            var str = s.Trim();
                            var prefix = "ViewModel.";
                            if (str.Contains(prefix))
                                var vm = (rootObject is MvxContentPage)
                                    ? ((MvxContentPage)rootObject).GetViewModel()
                                    : ((MvxContentView)rootObject).GetViewModel();
                                PropertyInfo prop = vm.GetType().GetProperty(str.Replace(prefix, string.Empty));
                                var propValue = prop.GetValue(vm);
                                return propValue as string ?? string.Empty;
                                return textProvider.GetText(name, str);
                        return string.Join(", ", appliedStrings);
                        return textProvider.GetText(name, keyString);
                case "Hint":
                    var appliedText = textProvider.GetText(name, keyString);
                    return $"Double tap to {appliedText}";

        return string.Empty;


  • Ultimately landed on this solution after realizing that the IMarkupExtension class is triggered BEFORE the ViewModel has set its properties.

    public class Provider : IMarkupExtension<MultiBinding>
        readonly static IMvxTextProvider _textProvider = Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve<IMvxTextProvider>();
        public string Values { set; get; }
        IList<BindingBase> Bindings { get; set; } = new List<BindingBase>();
        string StringFormat { get; set; } = "{0}";
        object IMarkupExtension.ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) => ProvideValue(serviceProvider);
        public MultiBinding ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var valueProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget)) as IProvideValueTarget;
            var _property = valueProvider?.TargetProperty as BindableProperty;
            object rootObject = null;
            var propertyInfo = valueProvider.GetType()
                                            .FirstOrDefault(dp => dp.Name.Contains("ParentObjects"));
            var parentObjects = (propertyInfo.GetValue(valueProvider) as IEnumerable<object>).ToList();
            rootObject = parentObjects.Last();
            var name = string.Empty;
            var page = (VisualElement)rootObject;
            name = page.GetType().BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                var propertyName = _property.PropertyName;
                if (SemanticPropertyCheck(_property, propertyName))
                    BuildBindings(propertyName, name, Values);
                    Bindings.Add(new Binding()
                        Path = $"[{name}|{Values}]",
                        Source = InternalValue.Instance
            return new MultiBinding()
                Bindings = Bindings,
                StringFormat = StringFormat
        bool SemanticPropertyCheck(BindableProperty property, string name) =>
            property.DeclaringType.Name.Equals("SemanticEffect") && (name.Equals("Description") || name.Equals("Hint"));
        void BuildBindings(string propertyName, string name, string valueString)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                switch (propertyName)
                    case "Description":
                        if (valueString.Contains('|'))
                            var values = (valueString.Split(new char[] { '|' }) as IEnumerable<string>).ToList();
                            values.ForEach(s =>
                                var index = values.IndexOf(s);
                                Bindings.Add(CreateBinding(name, s.Trim(), false));
                                if (index > 0)
                                    StringFormat += $", {{{index}}}";
                            Bindings.Add(CreateBinding(name, valueString, false));
                    case "Hint":
                        Bindings.Add(CreateBinding(name, valueString, true));
        BindingBase CreateBinding(string name, string key, bool isHint)
            var prefix = "ViewModel.";
            return (key.Contains(prefix))
                ? new Binding() { Path = key.TrimStart(prefix.ToCharArray()) }
                : new Binding() { Path = $"[{name}|{key}]", Source = InternalValue.Instance };
        sealed class InternalValue
            readonly static IMvxTextProvider _textProvider = Provider._textProvider;
            public static InternalValue Instance { get; } = new InternalValue();
            public static InternalValue HintInstance { get; } = new InternalValue() { _isHint = true };
            bool _isHint { get; set; } = false;
            public string this[string _nameKey] => GetText(_nameKey.Split('|'));
            private string GetText(string[] nameKey)
                var name = nameKey[0];
                var key = nameKey[1];
                var prefix = _isHint
                    ? "Double tap to "
                    : string.Empty;
                var appliedText = _textProvider.GetText(name, key);
                return $"{prefix}{appliedText}";