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How do I convert an any array to a string array containing other datatypes inside in typescript?

I'm doing a typescript tutorial exercise that wants me to change an any[] array into string[].

// declaring an array of any datatype
const  manufacturers: any[] = [{ id: 'Samsung', checked: false },
        { id: 'Motorola', checked: false },
        { id: 'Apple', checked: false },
        { id: 'Sony', checked: false }

console.log('Available Products are: ');

 // logic to populate the above declared array's id value
for (const item of manufacturers) {

    if( === "Apple")
        console.log("check value is " + item.checked)

The above one works, but if I change any[] into string[], it doesn't work. If I do

"const manufacturers: [string,boolean][]=" then it recognizes the boolean and not the string. I'm trying to understand why it doesn't see id as a string variable and make it match. How do I accomplish this without using 'any[]'


  • The type of manufacturers is { id: string, checked: boolean }[].


    The manufacturers object is an array, containing objects. Each object has an id and a checked property which are of types string and boolean respectively.

    So as you said, changing from any[] to string[] won't work, because the manufacturers type is not string[], but { id: string, checked: boolean }[].

    const manufacturers: { id: string, checked: boolean }[] = [{ id: 'Samsung', checked: false },
    { id: 'Motorola', checked: false },
    { id: 'Apple', checked: false },
    { id: 'Sony', checked: false }
    console.log('Available Products are: ');
    for (const item of manufacturers) {
      if ( === "Apple") {
        console.log("check value is " + item.checked)

    As @Calz pointed out, you don't need to explicitly enter the type of the variable, as initialization is taking place at the time of declaration.

    Here's a small example explaining this:

    let a;
    a = 5
    console.log(typeof a) // number
    a = "string"
    console.log(typeof a) // string
    let b = 5
    b = "some string"; // error as TypeScript blames that type string is not assignable to type number