I am unable to use enable and disable properties together in flatpickr.js. Actually enable property is returning a range of dates that should be enabled but I want to disable specific days let's say weekends among those enabled days range.
clickOpens: false,
disableMobile: 'true', // Do not render mobile version UI
closeOnSelect: false,
defaultDate: null,
enable: [getEnableDays()],
disable: [
function (date) {
return (date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6);
locale: {
"firstDayOfWeek": 1
getEnableDays: function () {
var me = this;
var maxDate = '2090-12-25T16:16:22.585Z';
var minDate = '1900-12-24T16:16:22.585Z';
var fromDate = minDate;
var toDate = maxDate;
if (me.disableDays) {
fromDate = me.isPrevDaysDisable ? me.calculatedDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10) : 'today';
toDate = !me.isPrevDaysDisable ? me.calculatedDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10) : 'today';
return {
from: fromDate,
to: toDate,
You can't use disable along with enable but here's how you can achieve disable weekends functionality but using onDayCreate.
onDayCreate: function (dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {
if (dayElem.dateObj.getDay() === 0 || dayElem.dateObj.getDay() === 6) {
dayElem.className += " flatpickr-disabled nextMonthDayflatpickr-disabled";