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How to access my data field in Firebase Security Rules

Security Rules

I am trying to grant permission based at a document field:

    match /users/{user}/{documents=**} {
            allow read, write: if == request.auth.uid

Firebase query

Here is how my query looks:

query(collection(db, "users", match.params.uid, "promotors"));

Error message

But I keep geting this message:

FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.


  • Your query is not in any way checking the data in a field in the documents, so it will never meet this part of your rules:

    Instead what you seem to have is a case where the document ID matches the UID of the user, which you can check with:

    match /users/{user}/{documents=**} {
        allow read, write: if user == request.auth.uid

    Also see the documentation on content owner only access.