I have an ElasticSearch entry with the ID myId
in the index myIndex
. This entry has the field someExistingField
Now I want to update this entry. For technical reasons, the update request does not contain someExistingField
I want to make sure that in scope of this update
Currently I am using this code:
final Map<String, Object> esDocument = ...;
final UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(myIndex, myId);
request.doc(esDocument, XContentType.JSON);
esClient.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
How do I need to change this code in order for it to not override existing values which are not specified in request
This seems to work:
final UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(myIndex, myId);
request.fetchSource(new FetchSourceContext(true,
new String[]{"someExistingField"}, Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY));