I am coding up an assignment where I have to drag a circle drawn inside the canvas on top of an image of cheese and change another image of a mouse to mice celebrating. I've tried adding a mousemove
event listener to detect the mouse pointer over the circle, and adding an if
statement to see if the mouse pointer's X/Y values are greater than X/Y values.
I want to do this using requestAnimationFrame
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", setMousePosition, false);
function setMousePosition(e)
mouseX = e.clientX - canvasPos.x;
mouseY = e.clientY - canvasPos.y;
function update()
context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
var x = context.arc(mouseX,mouseY,40,0,2*Math.PI, true);
context.fillStyle = "#FF6A6A";
This is my base code, which essentially makes the circle follow my cursor. The event handler corrects the mouse coordinates relative to my browser. update()
draws all the necessary elements.
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this got a tiny bit too long for a comment so..
yes, utilize the matrix. it's not hard and makes sense if you look close enough :)
start with a square as other shapes require some extra math if you want it to be perfect. though extra math means less performance. thus a lot of game developers use square/cubed bounding boxes/hitboxes for collision detection.
oh and a small tip: keep away from decimals as floating points are more expensive. but JS rounding/Math methods can be worse so bit manipulation works great here(and other places too)
here's something for rounding:
// some quicker math
export const bitshift = {
// this is for decimals only
round_d: d => (d + (d > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) << 0,
// and with a multiple we round by the number we pass
// to the second argument
/** d: domain, m: multiple */
round_m: (d, m = 1) => ((d / m + (d > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) << 0) * m
basically bit shifting, if you're not familiar with it, is moving the 1s and 0s in one or the other direction in a Byte. by shifting left you get multiplication by 2 and division by 2 when shifting right, e.g:
0010 is 2
0100 is 4
0001 is 1
as you can imagine, doing actual math requires a lot more steps, and even if bit manipulation can be a little less accurate a few times because of how computers work. it's well worth knowing.
as for collission detection, here's a simple one for squares:
if (
rx < x + w &&
rx + rw > x &&
ry < y + h &&
rh + ry > y
and for some heavy reading: http://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/matrix-transformations.php
best of luck and have fun! =)