So, my knowladge in embedded development is quite bad and now I am trying to receive some data from PC inside my MCu STM32F429IGT6
which is on WaveShare Core4X9I dev-board and send it back via USB Virtual COM Port.
I realized how to set up connection from MCu part and I even see connected device from Windows 10 Device Manager but... it appears as STM Device in DFU Mode
I have tryed already to install drivers from ST for such things but they are useless and official documentation says that they are not needed for Windows 10.
I have been following tutorials where guys just clicked several times inside Cube MX, generated code and VCP worked out of the box.
The question is what am I doing wrong? I don`t even know what information you might ask for thats why I created GitHub repo:
And this is events from Device Manager of Windows 10 (translation from ru lang):
code 410
code 400
code 442
code 430
Thank you for any information about my mistakes.
STM32 starts in DFU mode if BOOT-pins are pulled accordingly:
"System memory" means embedded bootloader, DFU in this case. You need "Main Flash" to run your app.
Check jumpers and switches on your board. Refer also to the AN2606 app note for complete information.