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MS Access VBA & SQL Server - ODBC Call Failed on .Update of Recordset

I have an MS Access application that I'm converting to SQL Server Backend (still Access FE), with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

The application stores HR information and there is a function that is supposed to build probation schedule due dates based on employment date and probation period.

Here's the function:

Private Sub BtnBuildSked_Click()
    Const SUB_NAME As String = "BtnBuildSked_Click"
    On Error GoTo ErrCond
    Dim ThisReport, myresponse, MyStyle As Integer
    Dim MYDB As Database
    Dim Myrst, PdRec As DAO.Recordset
    'Dim Myfrm As Form
    Dim PdStr As String
    Dim s, strsql As String
    Dim t As TTracking
    If Me.PaysrID.Value = "ON LEAVE" Then
        MsgBox ("Record is marked ON LEAVE. Cannot proceed.")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Set Myfrm = Screen.ActiveForm
    Set MYDB = CurrentDb
    s = "SELECT * FROM tblProbationReports"
    Set Myrst = MYDB.OpenRecordset(s, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
    MyStyle = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
    If IsNull(Me.PaysrID) Then
        MsgBox ("Cannot process for empty Employee ID")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If (IsNull(Me.ApptDate)) Then
        myresponse = MsgBox("Appointment Date field is empty ", vbCritical)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '----- Check that Probation Term ID is not blank
    If (Me.ProbationTermId.Value < 1 Or Me.ProbationTermId.Value > 7 Or IsNull(Me.ProbationTermId)) Then
        myresponse = MsgBox("You must select a probationary period to be able to build a schedule", MyStyle)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '----- Warning that any existing records for this employee will be deleted
    myresponse = MsgBox("Warning!! This will delete any current probation schedule records for this Employee and Line No. combination. Do you want to proceed  ?", vbYesNo)
    Debug.Print myresponse
    If myresponse = 7 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '------ Delete previous Probationary records for employee ; Keys = SS# and Line#
    strsql = "DELETE tblProbationReports.* " & _
             "FROM tblProbationReports " & _
             "WHERE tblProbationReports.LineNo= '" & Me.LineNo & "' and tblProbationReports.PaysrID = '" & Me.PaysrID & "' "
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL (strsql)
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    '----- Point to the approp recoird in Probation Data
    PdStr = "SELECT * " & _
            "FROM [tblProbationData] " & _
            "WHERE [ProbationTermID] = " & Me.ProbationTermId.Value
    'Set PdRec = MYDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [tblProbationData] WHERE [ProbationTermID] = & me.ProbationTermID.Value & ")
    Set PdRec = MYDB.OpenRecordset(PdStr)
    If Not PdRec.EOF Then
        For ThisReport = 1 To PdRec("ProbationReports")
        'With Myrst
            Myrst.Fields("LineNumber") = Me.LineNo
            Myrst.Fields("SSNO") = Me.SSNo
            Myrst.Fields("PaysrID") = Me.PaysrID
            Myrst.Fields("ReportNo") = ThisReport
            Select Case ThisReport
                Case 1
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + (PdRec("Report1weeks") * 7) '-1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + (PdRec("Report1weeks") * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + (PdRec("Report1weeks") * 7) - 1 - 28
                Case 2
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + (PdRec("Report1weeks") * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                Case 3
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks")) * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                Case 4
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks")) * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                Case 5
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks")) * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 42
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 56
                Case 6
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 42
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 56
                Case 7
                    Myrst.Fields("FromDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks")) * 7)
                    Myrst.Fields("ToDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) '- 1
                    Myrst.Fields("DueDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 14
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 28
                    Myrst.Fields("SentDate") = Me.ApptDate + ((PdRec("Report1weeks") + PdRec("Report2weeks") + PdRec("Report3weeks") + PdRec("Report4weeks") + PdRec("Report5weeks") + PdRec("Report6weeks")) * 7) - 1 - 56
            End Select
            Myrst.Fields("Received") = False
        'End With
        Next ThisReport
     End If
        'set up tracking manually
        t.Comment = "Build New Schedule"
        t.FieldName = "LineNo"
        t.ItemID = Me.LineNo
        t.NewValue = "New Schedule Built"
        t.OldValue = ""
        t.TableName = "tblProbationReports"
        t.TrackingType = TR_TYPE_NEW
        SaveTrans t
MsgBox ("Probation dates created")

Exit Sub
    EventLogging AppSession.UserName, MSG_TYPE_ERROR, Err.Number, Err.Description, MOD_NAME & "." & SUB_NAME, AppSession.AppSilent
End Sub

The first several blocks are checks for properly formatted employeeID, and active status.

Code warns that any new schedule will delete previous values.

Then the application is supposed to build the new schedule based on probation period (the various Case statements) and employment date.

But when the code drops to .Update, it fails with "ODBC Call Failed".

Here's a rundown of notes and troubleshooting thus far:

  • Nothing wrong with the connection to the BE. I'm able to create, update, and delete employee records without issue. I can see data in the tables when opening via Access FE. I can run reports.

  • "Probation Reports" table did not have a primary key, which I needed to add in order to create Audit triggers in SSMS (I know table should have primary key, but I wasn't the original developer).

  • I made "RecordID" Primary Key in "Probation Reports" table and made it "Identity" in order to increment the unique identifier automatically.

  • When making RecordID "Identity" to increment sequentially in SSMS, Access errored out on Recordset.Open of "Probation Reports" ... "table with identity needs dbSeeChanges on open of Recordset"

  • Trying Recordset.Open ("name", ,dbSeeChanges) still errored out, "table with identity needs dbSeeChanges on open of Recordset". Access was not reading "dbSeeChanges" Option value

  • I needed to add an open "Type" (although optional) in order for Access to read the open "Options" value of "dbSeeChanges".

  • I've tried every value for Open "Type" (even ones that didn't make sense). This is where the .Update breaks with "ODBC Connection Failed"

  • I tried adding LockEdit value option of "dbOpenOptimistic" and still getting the "ODBC Call Failed" error ...

I'm at a loss of where to go from here...

UPDATE - based on feedback in comments, I tried adding values to the table directly and received the following error (screenshot)HR APP Error


  • The culprit is/was actually one of the fields in this db (and subsequent code above): "LineNo"

    "LineNo" is a RESERVED WORD in SQL Server.

    After implementing all sorts of suggestions, this one crept up from ....I don't even remember where but here's an article of reserved words in SQL Server for future reference for others:

    Changing ALL references to this field from "LineNo" to "LineNum" resolved all errors.