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Using Docker with Node image to develop a VuejS (NuxtJs) app

The situtaion

I have to work on a VueJs (NuxtJs) spa, so I'm trying to use Docker with a Node image to avoid installing it on my pc, but can't figure out how to make it work.

The project

The source cose is in its own application folder, since it is versioned, and at the root level there is the docker-compose.yaml file

The folder structure
├ application
| └ ...
└ docker-compose.yaml
The docker-compose.yaml
version: "3.3"

    # container_name: prova_node
    restart: 'no'
    image: node:lts-alpine
    working_dir: /app
      - ./application:/app

The problem

The container start but quit immediately with exit status 0 (so it executed correctly), but this way I can't use it to work on the project.

Probably there is something I'm missing about the Node image or Docker in general; what i would like to to do is connecting to the docker container to run npm commands like install, run start etc and then check the application on the browser on localhost:3000 or whatever it is.


  • I would suggest to use Dockerfile with base image as node and then create your entrypoint which runs the application. That will eliminate the need to use volumes which is used when we want to maintain some state for our containers.

    Your Dockerfile may look something like this:

    FROM node:lts-alpine
    RUN mkdir /app
    COPY application/ /app/
    EXPOSE 3000
    CMD npm start --prefix /app 

    You can then either run it directly through docker run command or use docker-compose.yaml as following :

    version: "3.3"
        # container_name: prova_node
        restart: 'no'
          context: .
          - 3000:3000