I'm trying to create an HTML form (using JSP) which contains Javascript buttons (rather than actual HTML buttons). Everything works great except that I'm unable to tab to the -based Javascript button after the last tabindex.
For example:
<li class="lineItem">
<f:label path="ownerPostalCode">Postal Code<em>*</em> </f:label><br />
<f:input path="ownerPostalCode" type="text" id="ownerPostalCode"
class="required" size="15" maxlength="5" value="" tabindex="16" />
<li class="lineItem">
<f:label path="ownerPostalCodeFour">+4</f:label><br />
<f:input path="ownerPostalCodeFour" type="text"
id="ownerPostalCodeFour" size="5" maxlength="5" value="" tabindex="17"/>
<span class="buttonRow">
<span class="clearButton" onclick="resetFields
('registrationForm', 'ownerInfoSection')">Clear Fields</span>
<span id="continueButton" class="greenButton" tabindex="18"
I understand that tabindex only works with certain input fields (A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA)--as such, the specification of "tabindex='18'" for the #continueButton doesn't work. The desired behavior is that after tabbing to the "ownerPostalCodeFour" field, the user can tab to the #continueButton as one would with a normal button.
Is this at all possible or am I forced to utilize standard HTML buttons to achieve this behavior?
Not sure what browsers you are supporting, but tabindex="0"
works in latest webkit/Firefox/IE. From an accessibility standpoint, using spans is less than optimal though. Why not at least use an <a>