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Parse json with jq in AWS CLI

I need an output similar to this:

  "InstanceType": "c4.xlarge",
  "PrivateIpAddress": "",
  "PlatformDetails": "Windows BYOL",
    "Name": "running"

Reading the documentation of the jq command I have reached the next output:

aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-0079e143722b0b8f9 | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[] | {InstanceType, PrivateIpAddress, PlatformDetails, State}'
  "InstanceType": "c4.xlarge",
  "PrivateIpAddress": "",
  "PlatformDetails": "Windows BYOL",
  "State": {
    "Code": 16,
    "Name": "running"

Can anyone explain how to do that?


  • This should work:

     aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-0079e143722b0b8f9 | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[] | {InstanceType, PrivateIpAddress, PlatformDetails, State: {Name:.State.Name} }'