I would like to write a program that reads an integer and then divides it by 2 as many times as possible while writing the number as a product of two numbers multiplied by a number that is no longer divisible by 2.
For example:
I would like an integer: 120
120 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 15
Here is as far as I have gotten (part of it is already good in my opinion, but I got stuck here unfortunately):
let num = Number(prompt('The number: '));
let i = 0;
while(!(num % 2)) {
num /= 2;
let solution = Array(i).fill(2).join(' * ');
There's a few steps I would take to get to your desired result:
and editable remainder
)// Keep a copy of the original
const initialNum = Number(prompt('The number: '));
let remainder = initialNum
// This is working fine and doesn't need any changes
let i = 0;
while (!(remainder % 2)) {
remainder /= 2;
// Add the required "2"s
const values = Array(i).fill(2)
// If the total isn't completely divisible by 2, add the final multiplier
if (remainder !== 1) {
// Build the output string
const solution = `${initialNum} = ${values.join(' * ')}`;