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Ninja Framework: Can we really use Mustache template engine instead of FreeMarker?

The official page( mentions Mustache template engine and its referenced page( seems to say that Mustache template engine can be used. Is it true?

We added the following dependency to our pom.xml, but the Eclipse reported an error at the first line of this dependency in the pom.xml and we couldn't build our Ninja Web application.


If possible, what should we do to avoid the error and to use Mustache template engine instead of FreeMarker?


  • I have checked out the project and it seeems its Maven artifact is not published on any Maven artifactory, neither Maven Central Repository nor Github Maven registry.

    The landing website contains links for downloading the project itself. The repository contains the following directories:

    • ninja-mustache-demo
    • ninja-mustache-module

    The ninja-mustache-demo imports the ninja-mustache-module in the pom.xml and serves as an example. It assumes the ninja-mustache-module was packed and installed to the local Maven repository manually through the command mvn clean install.

    The only way I see is to include ninja-mustache-module as a Maven module into your repository and add it as a dependency.