In Spring, it is easy to create ApplicationContext that uses only classes defined in a given package. How to achieve that in Micronaut?
I write:
ApplicationContext context =
But beans from foreign packages are created and injected. I know, that Micronaut works on compile time, so it might be completely impossible.
When looking into io.micronaut.context.DefaultApplicationContextBuilder#build
, we'll find this:
if (!packages.isEmpty()) {
for (String aPackage : packages) {
Doc for Environment#addPackage says:
Add an application package. Application packages are candidates for scanning for tools that need it (such as JPA or GORM). Params: pkg – The package to add Returns: This environment
Hence, I believe it's not possible to limit context using a list of packages like in the question with Micronaut out-of-the-box.
However, you may use @Requires annotation to load parts of the context.
Source code from Micronaut 3.2.1