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How to use a range of cells in a WHERE clause QUERY in Google Spreadsheets

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If I want to select all data given a Date value (H1) how can I use a range in the WHERE clause?


  • you cant. if you want to go this route you need to flip it query it and again flip it:

    ={A1:A, TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(B:F), "where Col1 = "&H1))}

    hard to tell what cell formating you use so if above wont work try:

    ={A1:A, TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(B:F), "where Col1 = '"&H1&"'"))}


     "where Col1 date = '"&TEXT(H1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'"))}

    but its easier with FILTER:

    ={A1:A, FILTER(B:F, B1:F1=H1)}