I am recently learning NextJS with Chakra-UI. However, I faced some difficulties with responsive UI.
Here is the screenshot.
<Box mt={5}>
{socialButtons.map((social) => (
<SocialButton social={social} key={social.name}/>
How can I move the button to bottom to match screen's responsive?
It would be best if you used flexbox. And remember, ButtonGroup composes of the Box component so that you can pass all its props. Box components It's just a div element.
<Box mt={5}>
<ButtonGroup display={'flex'} flexWrap={'wrap'}>
<Button colorScheme="teal" size="lg" margin={'8px'}>
<Button colorScheme="teal" size="lg" margin={'8px'}>
<Button colorScheme="teal" size="lg" margin={'8px'}>
<Button colorScheme="teal" size="lg" margin={'8px'}>