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Selecting multiple values from different nested objects using jq

I'm working with the AWS cli and I'd like to be able to query instances to get their name and their state. Example:

instance 1, running
instance 2, stopped

I can get the instance name and state with this query

aws ec2 describe-instances --output json --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=*"instance "* --query "Reservations[].Instances[]" | jq ".[] | .Tags, .State.Name"

However, that gives me an array of objects and a single value.

    "Key": "Name",
    "Value": "instance 1"
    "Key": "VPC",
    "Value": "the vpc"
    "Key": "ami_backup",
    "Value": "false"

Almost there. How can I combine each object's Value with the state string so that I can then filter object to only get the one where Key==Name?

I tried using map but couldn't come up with a valid syntax.


  • Consider:

    .[] | (.Tags[] | select(.Key=="Name").Value) + ", " + .State.Name