I'm working with the AWS cli and I'd like to be able to query instances to get their name and their state. Example:
instance 1, running
instance 2, stopped
I can get the instance name and state with this query
aws ec2 describe-instances --output json --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=*"instance "* --query "Reservations[].Instances[]" | jq ".[] | .Tags, .State.Name"
However, that gives me an array of objects and a single value.
"Key": "Name",
"Value": "instance 1"
"Key": "VPC",
"Value": "the vpc"
"Key": "ami_backup",
"Value": "false"
Almost there. How can I combine each object's Value with the state string so that I can then filter object to only get the one where Key==Name
I tried using map
but couldn't come up with a valid syntax.
.[] | (.Tags[] | select(.Key=="Name").Value) + ", " + .State.Name