Hi I am experimenting with Google Guice 5.x
. I have my class defined as:
public class Foo<T> {
// some logic here
and it's being used in other classes like:
public class Bar {
private final Foo<Chocolate> provider;
public Bar(Foo<Chocolate> _choco) {
this.provider = _choco;
public abstract class BaseZoo { // in some other package in a different jar
private final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MyAppModule());
private Foo<?> provider;
public String doSomething() {
if (provider == null)
this.provider = this.injector.getInstance(Foo.class);
// some other code logic.
Now, in my module file (MyAppModule
) I have defined Foo as:
public Foo<Chocolate> getFoo(FooDependency fooDep) {
return new Foo<>(fooDep);
Now when I run my code, Google Guice is able to find an instance for Foo<Chocolate>
but is not able to find an instance for Foo<?>
Is there a way to configure Google Guice to resolve Foo<?>
with an instance of Foo<Chocolate>
Bind the type:
public Foo<?> getFoo(FooDependency fooDep) { ... }
If you still want to bind Foo<Chocolate>
, use the @Provides
method in the question, but also bind Foo<?>
to it, you can do so in your configure method:
bind(new Key<Foo<?>>() {}).to(new Key<Foo<Chocolate>>() {});
or, with a provider method:
Foo<?> provideWildcardFoo(Foo<Chocolate> chocolateFoo) {
return chocolateFoo;