I have a combo box and a string array that holds all the values of the combo box in it. I erase the items from the combo box and then want to add in the values from the string array. It doesn't seem to let me just add in a string array. And I tried to itterate through the string adding items one by one but won't let me do that (or atleast the way I wrote it, it won't work).
May seem like a stupid question but I am new to working with swing in java.
Here's the code where I want to "reload" the items from the combo box:
String str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Name: ", "", 1);
if(str != null){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "New name added: " + str, "", 1);
nameCreator.addName(strNames, str);
strNames = NameLoader.getNames();
EDIT: Made small typo and didn't realize what was wrong. Working now. Thanks for everyones help.
Did you used the method addItem(Object anObject)
You should iterate your array an use that method:
String[] data = {a;b;c;d;e}
for(int i=0; i < data.length; i++){