I'm getting this error and I need help. Code reads in a .txt file and gives an output. I believe it should be a simple fix but am unable to find a solution. The first token represents the name of a room in the dungeon. After that, each pair of tokens represents a connected room and the steps it will take to travel to that room. (A room can be connected to up to 32 other rooms). If a room doesn’t have an entry in the input file, this means that it does not have any way out. Every dungeon entrance is named A. When there are multiple connected rooms, they should be explored in alphabetic order. The room labeled X contains a heart container. Not all rooms are connected. Input:
A B 25 G 11 I 7
B C 10 E 12
C E 1 H 25 L 88
D A 51 J 2 N 48
E A 99 B 23 K 3
F C 23 D 3 E 75
G A 12 D 29 X 9
H G 1 C 2 M 10
I E 7 B 2 A 9
J I 12 H 11 G 13 F 27 D 85
K A 12 B 13
L E 70 G 50 J 20 K 1 B 4
M L 10 A 11 F 91 H 67 N 92
N M 1
Output: Number of Potions Needed: 0 Distance to Chest: 20 Path to Chest: AGX
class GraphEdge {
private char from;
private char to;
private int weight;
public GraphEdge(char from, char to, int weight) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.weight = weight;
public class Graph {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
private static void DFS()
char source = 'A';// source vertex
char destination = 'X';// destination vertex
ArrayList<GraphEdge> edges = new ArrayList<GraphEdge>();// list to hold all edges
HashSet<Character> uniqueVertices = new HashSet<Character>();// all unique vertices in map
ArrayList<Character> allVertices = new ArrayList<Character>();// list to hold all vertices
// System.out.println("Input File:");
while (obj.hasNextLine()) {// while input file has lines left
String line = obj.nextLine();
String vertex[] = line.split(" ");// split the line into source vertex, destination vertex and the weight
int i = 1;
while (i < vertex.length) {
GraphEdge edge = new GraphEdge(vertex[0].charAt(0), vertex[i].charAt(0),Integer.parseInt(vertex[i + 1]));
i = i + 2;
if (!uniqueVertices.contains(vertex[0].charAt(0))) {// if vertex not present in unique vertices map, add it
// in map and arraylist
if (!uniqueVertices.contains(vertex[1].charAt(0))) {// if vertex not present in unique vertices map, add it
// in map and arraylist
if (!uniqueVertices.contains(vertex[i].charAt(0))) {// if vertex not present in unique vertices map, add it
// in map and arraylist
The index variable i
is incremented by 2 thus the last if
block tries to access ahead of the last index. You need to add some guard code to break
the loop before the last if