I am relatively new to Java we are running Java 8 JRE Update 211 32bit on Windows 10 PC and Server 2019 and I am trying to define heap size for all users who login to the PCs/Servers.
I know the Java is out of date but the Java has been suggested by Application providers and our network is closed off to the internet and really locked down.
I have done some googling seems like you can define this in the Deployment.properties file (located in C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment) currently I have this:
I do know that maximum you can define 2GB on 32bit systems.
I am unable to find any Java forums or help on these commands I found some on the internet and tweaked them I wanted to know if these are correct above?
We have been advised from the application side (Cramer) the heap size has doubled and still getting this message.
Edit Added:
Unable to do this from the Java Control Panel as the system tab area is greyed out:
Also ran the commands:
javaw -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | find "MaxHeapSize"
javaw -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | find "InitialHeapSize"
Found that the Java has not picked up the changes that have been defined in the deployment.properties file:
I believe the digits outputted above are in bytes which converting them to MBs doesn't match the values I defined.
I have figured it out.
So, first thing I did was remove definitions of heap sizes I added to the deployment.properties file.
I had to create a system variable called:
Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: -Xmx512M
Also, had to add to the PATH Variable Java bin folder location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_211\bin
Then rebooted the server and when I entered the following command:
javaw -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | find "MaxHeapSize"
Then I saw the Max Heap size was set to 512MB for all users which is what I was trying to achieve.
I didn't want to start messing about with the initial heap size settings as this was causing a few issues.
Now I can foresee another issue I need to resolve is how to define different Max Heap Sizes for 32bit and 64bit Java's install on one Operation System.