Imagine I had a sheet like this
People Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot
p1 x x
p2 x x x
p3 x x x
etc. How could I make a function that printed the number of people who took 2 of the following: Alpha, Charlie, Echo and Foxtrot
AKA one of these permutations: A & C, A & E, A & F, C & E, C & F, E & F
=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(B2:G = "x"; A2:A&"♥"&B1:G1; )); "♥");
"where Col2 is not null"; ))
IF(REGEXMATCH(D2:D, "- D2$"), D1&"2,", IF(D2:D="",,D1&",")),
IF({E2:E, G2:K, M2:O}="",,{E1, G1:K1, M1:O1}&","),
IF(REGEXMATCH(P2:P, "- Z$"), P1&",", ),
IF(Q2:Q="",,Q1&",")}),,9^9))), ",$", )),
"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc label count(Col1)''")