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Stop a JADE system (Java agents)

I run JADE embedded in a Java program, i.e. not with java jade.Boot .... Now I wanted to stop the JADE system, but I have found no nice way to do that. I can exit the whole program using System.exit(), but that's not what I want to do.

I tried several different things, and I succeeded stopping my agent behaviours, but a couple of Threads continue running: the AMS, the DF, a web server, the JADE Timer dispatcher, several Deliverer threads, etc.

This is how my current shutdown method looks like:

  public void shutdown() {
    // TODO This does not work yet..
    try {
      for (WeakReference<AgentController> acr : agents) {
        AgentController ac = acr.get(); // jade.wrapper.AgentController 
        if ( ac != null ) ac.kill();
      container.kill(); // jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
      Runtime.instance().shutDown(); // jade.core.Runtime
    } catch ( StaleProxyException e ) {

The reason I want to do that is that I have some JUnit tests for my agent system.

Any ideas how to accomplish that?


  • You can request AMS to stop the platform in such way:

    Codec codec = new SLCodec();    
    Ontology jmo = JADEManagementOntology.getInstance();
    ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.REQUEST);
    try {
        getContentManager().fillContent(msg, new Action(getAID(), new ShutdownPlatform()));
    catch (Exception e) {}