$message = "Hi ".$name.", <br>Your account is created successfully. Please click the below link to activate your account
<br><br><a href=".base_url()."/register/activate/".$uniid."Activate now </a>";
I already recieved the email but the href function is excluded. it only display "Hi myname, Your account is created successfully. Please click the below link to activate your account";
it dont display the link
You have syntax errors in your code.
in anchor tag".$uniid."Activate now
dicleration href=".base_url()."/register/activate/".$uniid."
.Use below code
$message = "Hi {$name}, <br>Your account is created successfully. Please click the below link to activate your account
<br><br><a href='/register/activate/{$uniid}'>Activate now </a>";