I don't know how to resize my xterm.js terminal. Somebody know how to do ? I tried with css but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance.
This is how you can define your xterm base data to set cols and rows:
let xterm = new Xterm({
rows: 22,
cols: x, //any value
To do a resize, you can use fitAddon
let fitAddon = new FitAddon();
xterm.onResize(function (evt) {
websocket.send({ rows: evt.rows });
more details about resizing xterm.js
terminal here.
I think changing the above code for onResize
prop to this one bellow and adding xterm_resize_ob
will improve the resize functionality:
xterm.onResize(function (evt) {
const terminal_size = {
Width: evt.cols,
Height: evt.rows,
websocket.send("\x04" + JSON.stringify(terminal_size));
const xterm_resize_ob = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
// since we are observing only a single element, so we access the first element in entries array
try {
fitAddon && fitAddon.fit();
} catch (err) {
// start observing for resize