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Kotlin Coroutine transaction in Reactive SQL Client (Quarkus/Vert.X)

I want to use Kotlin coroutines in my reactive sql client transactions. For simplicity, I was going to use the provided helper function io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.Pool#withTransaction mentioned in the docs here. Since the passed function is not a coroutine suspend function, I'm getting an error like Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body when Im trying to compile a code like the following

val client : PgPool

suspend fun someServiceFunction () {
    client.withTransaction { connection ->, entity).awaitSuspending()   //This is not working

The function header for the withTransaction looks like this

public <T> Uni<T> withTransaction(Function<SqlConnection, Uni<T>> function)

I'm asking myself if there is still a way to use this with kotlin coroutines, since I'm pretty new to them.

Thank you for any help !


  • I'm not familiar with Mutiny nor Quarkus, but it seems there is a way to convert from Deferred<T> to Uni<T> in mutiny-kotlin, which you seem to be using.

    You could therefore create your own suspending version of withTransaction like this:

    import io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.SqlConnection
    import io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.Pool
    suspend fun <T> Pool.withTransaction(block: suspend (SqlConnection) -> T): T = coroutineScope {
        client.withTransaction { connection ->
            async { block(connection) }.asUni()

    And then use it:

    suspend fun someServiceFunction() {
        client.withTransaction { connection ->
  , entity).awaitSuspending()
            // potentially other suspending stuff here, without the need to combine()

    But that begs the question, why use the Mutiny variant of Vertx things, if in the end you want to use Kotlin coroutines? I think by default Vertx works with Java futures which are also integrated with coroutines.