I have two Textfield which set the start date and due date.
here is the code.
const startDateChange = (e) => {
setStartDate(Math.floor(new Date().getTime(e.target.value) / 1000));
const dueDateChange = (e) => {
setDueDate(Math.floor(new Date().getTime(e.target.value) / 1000));
<Typography variant="overline" display="block" gutterBottom>Start Date</Typography>
<TextField id="standard-basic" type='date' style={{margin:3}} onChange={startDateChange} />
<Typography variant="overline" display="block" gutterBottom>Due Date</Typography>
<TextField id="standard-basic" type='date' style={{margin:3}} onChange={dueDateChange} />
However, every time I change these two individual inputs, I always get similar numbers (Unix timestamp), even I set the due date as the year 2033.
Therefore, When I render with converted Unix timestamp number, I get the same date of each of these two inputs, which are the date of Today.
I need bits of help.
Try to move the e.target.value
in the Date
const startDateChange = (e) => {
setStartDate(Math.floor(new Date(e.target.value).getTime() / 1000));
const dueDateChange = (e) => {
setDueDate(Math.floor(new Date(e.target.value).getTime() / 1000));