In my Angular App, I have a requirement to display total number of rows on current page in pagination section. But currently Devextreme grid row count returns total row count irrespective of page.
Below is my code :-
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="5"> </dxo-paging>
infoText="Displaying {0} - {2} of {1} "
Now i have only 5 rows in the grid but it shows 11 which is the total row count which i have received from database. Please advise.
If i understand correctly, you want to show 1-5 on the first page, 6-10 on the second page and so on. You can achieve that by binding a function to the [infoText]
property and customize the text output. This is not found in the official documentation but it works.
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="5"> </dxo-paging>
infoText(currentPageNumber, totalPageCount, totalRowCount) {
const myPageSize = 5; // use global variable instead and bind it to dxo-paging
const from = +currentPageNumber * myPageSize - (myPageSize - 1);
const to = +currentPageNumber * myPageSize;
return `Displaying ${from}-${to}`;