I have this simple unit test:-
void getCityName() throws Exception {
/* it doesn't work if uncommented.
prints out this:-
Status = 200
Error message = null
Headers = [Content-Type:"application/json"]
Content type = application/json
Body = [{"id":null,"city":"espoo","country":null,"description":null,"currentTemp":0.0,"feelsLike":3.3,"minTemp":2.2,"maxTemp":5.5,"tempLimit":3.0,"frequency":5,"frequencyUnit":"SECOND","uri":"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=espoo&units=metric&APPID=5536a9b0c84d081997982254c24fc53a"}]
Forwarded URL = null
Redirected URL = null
Cookies = []
I can see there is "city":"espoo"
. How do I match this. I tired:-
It give error:-
DEBUG org.springframework.test.web.servlet.TestDispatcherServlet - Completed 200 OK DEBUG com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.CompiledPath - Evaluating path: $.size() DEBUG com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.CompiledPath - Evaluating path: $['city']
java.lang.AssertionError: No value at JSON path "$.city"
The response is of type Array:
Therefore you will need to choose the index first, then attribute $[0].city
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].city", is(espoo)))
=== Edited ===
Please try: