If you're able to help with this problem, I'd appreciate it as I'm out of my depth.
I have a bunch of meta tags in a HTML header that need to map their content to variables in the URL. For example, if we have this URL:
We would want the meta tags in the header to read as this:
<meta name="bofn" content="Dave">
<meta name="boln" content="Nate">
<meta name="boem" content="Pat">
<meta name="botn" content="Taylor">
<meta name="bstn" content="Chris">
<meta name="lstn" content="Rami">
From what I've found online this would probably use javascript to function (URLSearchParams and/or location.search?) but I've no clue how to make it happen.
I was able to solve the issue with Pavel's help by replacing the URL with window.location.href
var str = window.location.href;
// split('?')[1] takes all after '?' (removes http://example.com)
// split('&') creates array ('bofn=Dave', 'boln=Nate', ...)
var parts = str.split('?')[1].split('&');
// go through all variables
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// create new HTML element
var el = document.createElement('meta');
// split key, value
var keyval = parts[i].split('=');
// set name and content attributes, fill values in
el.name = keyval[0];
el.content = keyval[1];
// append meta elements to head