I have just updated my com.h2database version 1.4.200 -> 2.0.202. In previous version I could execute statements like this:
private static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (" +
"name varchar(255) NOT NULL," +
"value varchar(255) NOT NULL," +
"PRIMARY KEY (name)" +
") ENGINE=InnoDB";
But newest version complains on:
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error in SQL statement
if I run it like this.
To fix syntax error I had to wrap all field names into backpacks like this:
private static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (" +
"`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL," +
"`value` varchar(255) NOT NULL," +
"PRIMARY KEY (`name`)" +
") ENGINE=InnoDB";
I am using h2 for mySQL mode. My JDBC connect string looks like:
Is it possible to avoid usage of `` (backtick) symbols in every query against h2? And make queries compile without them?
Most likely name
and/or value
is a reserved keyword. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of such keywords. Just pick any other column name. Start trying namex and valuex just to check that's the problem, then think of a name that isn't a keyword.