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Web Share API: Permission Denied on certain file type

I would like to share a JSON object as a file via the Web Share API.

However, when specifying the type as application/json, I got the DOMException: Permission denied Error:

    files: [new File(["{}"], "test.json", {type: "application/json"})]

// Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Permission denied

However, if I change the type to text/plain and the file name extension to .txt, it works as expected:

    files: [new File(["{}"],"test.txt", {type: "text/plain"})]

// File share success

I would like to have it as a `JSON file to be shared instead.

Browser: Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 96.0.1054.43

Any helps would be appreciated.

Snippet Example:

const textbtn = () => {
      files: [new File(["{}"],"test.txt", {type: "text/plain"})]
  }).catch(e => alert(e.message))

const jsonbtn = () => {
      files: [new File(["{}"],"test.json", {type: "application/json"})]
  }).catch(e => alert(e.message))
<h1>WebShare Test<h1>

<button onclick="jsonbtn()">test.json | application/json</button>
<br />
<button onclick="textbtn()">text.text | text/pain</button>


  • This is working as intended. You can see the list of supported file types in this document.