Is it possible to create pvk files with OpenSSL 3.0? In previous version, it could be done with this commands:
OPENSSL genrsa -out test.key -passout pass:blahblah 2048
OPENSSL rsa -in test.key -inform pem -out test.pvk -outform PVK -pvk-strong -passout pass:blahblah
But, when i run this commands in OpenSSL 3.0, second command gives me an error:
300F0000:error:07880106:common libcrypto routines:ossl_pw_get_passphrase:reason(524550):crypto\passphrase.c:265:No password method specified
300F0000:error:04800068:PEM routines:i2b_PVK:bad password read:..\crypto\pem\pvkfmt.c:1058
I loaded legacy provider, but unfortunately, no effect. Do you have any suggestions or workarounds of this?
There was a bug in the implementation of 3.0.
It is fixed by this branch: see also