When the character walks in to a wall they can't go through but when jumping in to a wall, the player is teleported up or down depending on how high you hit the tile.
How can i make so that the player just falls when they hit a wall?
The movement and collision detection happens in Player.java.
I think it has to do with checkin if the player is standing on a block (the first check in the for loop) but im not sure.
a visual representation of my problem
This is how i check for collision:
public void collisionCheck(){
for (ArrayList<Integer> tile: Game.tileCoordinates){
//current row of the player
int row = y / Game.TILE_SIZE;
// the row below the player
int rowBelow = y / Game.TILE_SIZE + 1;
// the column the left of the player is in
int columnLeft = x / Game.TILE_SIZE;
// the column the right of the player is in
int columnRight = (x + width) / Game.TILE_SIZE;
// check if the player goes through the block below
if (tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE == rowBelow){
if ((tile.get(0) / Game.TILE_SIZE == columnLeft ||
tile.get(0) / Game.TILE_SIZE == columnRight)) {
y = tile.get(1) - height;
if (jumping) {
jumping = false;
Game.spacePressed = false;
dustAfterShowed = false;
xAfterJump = x;
yAfterJump = y;
if (falling){
falling = false;
// check if the player goes through the side of a block
if (y <= tile.get(1) && y + height <= tile.get(1) + Game.TILE_SIZE &&
y + height >= tile.get(1) && row == tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE) {
// left side
if (x + width >= tile.get(0) && x <= tile.get(0)) {
x = tile.get(0) - width;
// right side
if (x + width >= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE &&
x <= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE) {
x = tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE;
// check if the player hits a block from below
if (tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE == row &&
(tile.get(0) / Game.TILE_SIZE == columnLeft ||
tile.get(0) / Game.TILE_SIZE == columnRight)){
if (jumping) {
y = tile.get(1) + Game.TILE_SIZE;
velocity = 0;
I fixed it by addig a few booleans, when the player hits a wall from the side, it now doesn't check for bottom tile collision anymore (making the player fall instead of stay mid air).
When checking for top tile collision, you check in advance. if you dont check in advance it will detect side collision because the top left and right pixel are in the tile.
for (ArrayList<Integer> tile: Game.tileCoordinates){
sideCollision = false;
blockRight = false;
blockLeft = false;
// check for side collision, if colided then disable movement
if ((y / Game.TILE_SIZE == tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE) &&
(x < tile.get(0) && x + width > tile.get(0) &&
x + width < tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE)) {
sideCollision = true;
blockRight = true;
x = tile.get(0) - width - 1;
if ((y / Game.TILE_SIZE == tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE) &&
(x < tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE && x > tile.get(0) &&
x + width > tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE)) {
sideCollision = true;
blockLeft = true;
x = tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE + 1;
// if player is about to hit head, stop upwards movement
if ((y - velocity <= tile.get(1) + Game.TILE_SIZE &&
y - velocity > tile.get(1)) && ((x >= tile.get(0) &&
x <= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE) ||
(x + width >= tile.get(0) &&
x + width <= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE))){
y = tile.get(1) + Game.TILE_SIZE;
velocity = 0;
// if there is no side collision, check for bottom collision
if (!sideCollision) {
if ((y / Game.TILE_SIZE + 1 == tile.get(1) / Game.TILE_SIZE) &&
(y + height > tile.get(1)) &&
((x >= tile.get(0) && x <= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE) ||
(x + width >= tile.get(0) &&
x + width <= tile.get(0) + Game.TILE_SIZE))) {
y = tile.get(1) - height;
if (jumping) {
jumping = false;
Game.spacePressed = false;
dustAfterShowed = false;
xAfterJump = x;
yAfterJump = y;
if (falling) {
falling = false;