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D3 - Can't get popover to appear at cursor xy coordinate

I'm trying to get nodes to show an adjacent popover when clicked. Here's a codepen on where I'm at:

I've gotten very close, the popover currently shows in the upper-left corner, and is taking in on-click x/y data. It's just not getting the correct cursor location - I'm not sure how it's getting the pixel data currently.

I assume the issue has something to do with the clicknode function:

function clicknode(nodes) {
  const[x, y] = d3.pointer(event);"left", (x)+"px")
         .style("top", (y)+"px")
         .transition().duration(200).style("opacity", 0.9)


But I just can't figure out where my (likely) formatting is wrong.

If you have any ideas on how to solve this, I'd really appreciate it.


  • For D3 V7, rewrite clicknode as follows:

    function clicknode(event, nodes) {
        .style("left", `${event.layerX}px`)
        .style("top", `${event.layerY}px`);