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CouchDB, Node.js, Cradle - How to get data based on returned data

I am working on a messaging system using node.js + cradle and couchdb.

When a user pulls a list of their messages, I need to pull the online status of the user that sent them the message. The online status is stored in the user document for each registered user, and the message info is stored in a separate document.

Here is the only way I can manage to do what I need, but its hugely inefficient

privatemessages/all key = username of the message recipient

db.view('privatemessages/all', {"key":username}, function (err, res) {
    res.forEach(function (rowA) {
        db.view('users/all', {"key":rowA.username}, function (err, res) {
            res.forEach(function (row) {
                result.push({onlinestatus:row.onlinestatus, messagedata: rowA});


Can someone tell me the correct way of doing this?

Thank you


  • Your code could return empty result because you are calling response at the time when user statuses may not yet be fetched from DB. Other problem is that if I received multiple messages from the same user, then call for his status may be duplicit. Below is a function which first fetch messages from DB avoiding duplicity of users and then get their statuses.

    function getMessages(username, callback) {
        // this would be "buffer" for senders of the messages
        var users = {};
        // variable for a number of total users I have - it would be used to determine
        // the callback call because this function is doing async jobs
        var usersCount = 0;
        // helpers vars
        var i = 0, user, item;
        // get all the messages which recipient is "username"
        db.view('privatemessages/all', {"key":username}, function (errA, resA) {
            // for each of the message
            resA.forEach(function (rowA) {
                user = users[rowA.username];
                // if user doesn't exists - add him to users list with current message
                // else - add current message to existing user
                if(!user) {
                    users[rowA.username] = {
                        // I guess this is the name of the sender
                        name: rowA.username,
                        // here will come his current status later
                        status: "",
                        // in this case I may only need content, so there is probably 
                        // no need to insert whole message to array
                        messages: [rowA]
                } else {
            // I should have all the senders with their messages
            // and now I need to get their statuses
            for(item in users) {
                // assuming that user documents have keys based on their names
                db.get(item, function(err, doc) {
                    // assign user status
                    users[item].status = doc.onlineStatus;
                    // when I finally fetched status of the last user, it's time to
                    // execute callback and rerutn my results
                    if(i === usersCount) {
    getMessages(username, function(result) {

    Although CouchDB is a great document database you should be careful with frequent updates of existing documents because it creates entirely new document version after each update (this is because of it's MVCC model which is used to achieve high availability and data durability). Consequence of this behavior is higher disk space consumption (more data/updates, more disk space needed - example), so you should watch it and run database consumption accordingly.