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How to get the closest Axis-Aligned Bounding Box to a point?

I have a large array of Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes, I'm trying to get the euclidean distance from a point to the closest one, I have tried manhattan distance but it doesn't seem to match the "brute force" result by iterating over all of them with euclidean distance. Any efficient approaches? Cheers


  • I propose the following solution. You have the 5 rectagles as below and your point P is at (7,4)

    enter image description here

    If you build two sorted lists which are ordered by the horizontal edges and the vertical edges you will get:

    List1 (Horizontal)
    0  ((4,0),(8,0))->Rec5       index 0
    1  ((4,1),(8,1))->Rec5       index 1
    2  ((4,2),(6,2))->Rec1       index 2
    3  ((8,3),(9,3))->Rec3       index 3
    4  ((4,4),(6,4))->Rec1       index 4
    4  ((10,4),(13,4))->Rec4     index 5
    5  ((1,5),(6,5))->Rec2       index 6
    6  ((10,6),(13,6))->Rec4     index 7
    7  ((8,7),(9,7))->Rec3       index 8
    8  ((1,8),(6,8))->Rec2       index 9
    List2 (Vertical)
    1  ((1,5),(1,8))->Rec2       index 0
    4  ((4,0),(4,1))->Rec5       index 1
    4  ((4,2),(4,4))->Rec4       index 2
    6  ((6,2),(6,4))->Rec1       index 3
    6  ((6,5),(6,8))->Rec2       index 4
    8  ((8,0),(8,1))->Rec5       index 5
    8  ((8,3),(8,7))->Rec3       index 6
    9  ((9,3),(9,7))->Rec3       index 7
    10 ((10,4,(10,6))->Rec4      index 8
    13 ((13,4,(13,6))->Rec4      index 9

    Now you can do a binary search on the Horizontal list on Py = 4. This is your starting index to work outwards in both directions. The same for Px = 7.

    On your Horizontal list, you find H_index = 4 (Rec1)

    On your Vertical list, you find V-Index = 4 (Rec2)

    No match yet, move one out of centre in all directions (this step is repeated until one match)

    H_index = 3 (Rec3)
    H_index = 5 (Rec4)
    V_index = 3 (Rec1)
    V_index = 5 (Rec5)

    We have a match->Rec1 (H_index = 4, V_index = 3)

    If you want to find all equals, you are not done yet.

    The x-distance between Px & rec1 = 1. you will need to include all Rectangles within this limit.

    UpperLimit = 7 + 1 = 8
    LowerLimit = 7 - 1 = 6

    this gives V_index 3 to 8. For each of them check if Py is between or equal to the y values of the line.

    6  ((6,2),(6,4))->Rec1       index 3      YES
    6  ((6,5),(6,8))->Rec2       index 4      NO
    8  ((8,0),(8,1))->Rec5       index 5      NO
    8  ((8,3),(8,7))->Rec3       index 6      YES

    So Rec3 is also found as a solution

    The y-distance between Py & rec1 = 0. you wll need to include all Rectangles within this limit.

    UpperLimit = 4 + 0 = 4
    LowerLimit = 4 - 0 = 4

    this gives H_index 4 to 5. For each of them check if Px is between or equal to the x values of the line.

    4  ((4,4),(6,4))->Rec1       index 4     NO
    4  ((10,4),(13,4))->Rec4     index 5     NO

    No Other solutions found, we are done: Rec1 & Rec3 are closest.

    This solution will be fast enough for up to 100.000 Rectangles. When you talk about milj. of Rectangles, you will need to use a Segment Tree.