Using Org-mode's new citation handling functionality org-cite (bundled as oc.el in Org 9.5+), I find myself stuck in the org-cite-insert
minibuffer. It seems to be asking for an infinite amount of citations to insert, and my Helm minibuffer doesn't give me an exitable option.
Steps to reproduce
M-x org-cite-insert
. This loads up the HELM Org Cite Insert
on a citation from list.Key ("" to exit)
in the minibuffer, but I'm not able to select nothing, and writing ""
of course prompts the reply '[No match]'. Hitting Tab
shows that there is only one possible action, '[f1] Sole action [Identity]'.So basically it seems I'm stuck here unless I cancel myself out of org-cite-insert
, and that org-cite-insert
isn't playing well with Helm at this point?
Workaround : after selecting all the entries hit M-RET. This should exit the helm org-cite interface and insert your selections.