Is there any way I can get a number format to look like this in the spreedsheet cell through VBA code?: EMBASAMENTO - ANDAMENTO GERAL: 50%. Nonetheless the "EMBASAMENTO" is a variable of the type string, "-ANDAMENTO GERAL:" is a permanent text, and "50%" is the value that is calculated and set to the cell in percentage format.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change()
Nfil = 3
Ntot = 5
Piler = Nfil / Ntot
Range("E7").Value = Piler
Range("E7").NumberFormat = """ - ANDAMENTO GERAL: ""0%"
End Sub
You will need quotes before the variable too, like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change()
Nfil = 3
Ntot = 5
Piler = Nfil / Ntot
Range("E7").Value = Piler
Range("E7").NumberFormat = """" & Model & "- ANDAMENTO GERAL: ""0%"
End Sub
Not sure the Worksheet_Change
event is the right place for this, but that's not part of your question.