I created a game for the web in vanilla js. I would like the console to detect a collision between two <img>
tags. I am using the DOM to retrieve the items. With the arrows, I can move one of the images.
Problem: When they touch each other the console does not detect anything. It's written: no collision. I need the collisions to go to a next page / scene.
// collision entre la limite et le personnage
let rect1 = document.getElementsByClassName('perso')
let rect2 = document.getElementsByClassName('obstacle');
if (rect1[0].x < rect2[0].x + rect2[0].width &&
rect1[0].x + rect1[0].width > rect2[0].x &&
rect1[0].y < rect2[0].y + rect2[0].height &&
rect1[0].height + rect1[0].y > rect2[0].y) {
// window.location.href = 'htmlpage1.html';//passe à la page/scene suivante
} else {
console.log("no collision");
#move {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
/* limite de la page permet de passer à la scene suivante */
#limite {
width: 150px;
height: 250px;
position: fixed;
z-index: 2;
margin: 30px 1100px;
opacity: 50%;
<div class="cadre">
<img id="premierplan" src="../img/foreground.png" alt="premierplan">
<img id="move" class="perso" src="../img/ne_bouge_pas_.gif" alt="image personnage">
<img id="limite" class="obstacle" src="../img/carrebleu.png" class="cube" alt="frontiere">
You have a few issues..
returns an HTMLCollection
, not a single element. You need to either iterate over these if you have more than one. Or if there's just one of each class, just use querySelector
, y
, you need to get it's DOMRect
using getBoundingClientRect
.Try this instead:
let rect1 = document.querySelector('.perso').getBoundingClientRect();
let rect2 = document.querySelector('.obstacle').getBoundingClientRect();