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How to solve error java.lang.RuntimeException for XPATH ? MAVEN dependencies added

I am getting following error

 java.lang.RuntimeException:  Trying XBeans path engine... Trying XQRL... Trying XDK... Trying delegated path engine... FAILED on data(//v:shape[contains(@id,'PowerPlusWaterMarkObject')]/v:textpath/@string)

while executing following code

private String getWaterMark(XWPFDocument document) {
   try {
        XWPFHeader defaultHeader = document.getHeaderFooterPolicy().getDefaultHeader();
        final String xpathFilter = "data(//v:shape[contains(@id,'PowerPlusWaterMarkObject')]/v:textpath/@string)";
        XmlObject[] xmlobjects = defaultHeader._getHdrFtr().selectPath(xpathFilter);
        return xmlobjects[0].toString();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
       logger.error("Error while getting Watermark content from document: ", ex);

I have added following dependencies in pom.xml file.

        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->


  • I just replaced my XPATH and it solved my problem
