I'm building a React app that has a Leaflet map and integrates the Leaflet Timedimension Plugin.
The goal is to have a map that has some Circles, those changes radius and color whenever the Timedimension plugin loads a new time.
I've successfully created a map that has some Circles that changes based on the Timedimension plugin times (currentTimeIndex changes whenever a new time is loaded), but the colour wouldn't change.
The following code it's my approach to the problem:
data.map((region) =>
region.items.map((market) => (
center={[market.lat, market.lon]}
Is possible to change the color of the Circle without having to remove and re-add them?
I'll leave here the codesandbox with the full code.
For weird reasons I cannot really explain, it seems like colors
does not update, while pathOptions
seems to work as intended.
I've slightly updated your codesandbox which seems to produce the desired result, the following were changed:
out of the Leaflet component since it's actually a constant.useMemo
hook to get the current color according to the currentTimeIndex.color
with pathOptions
, which is the real fix you need to do.Side note: I'm not sure how you want to style the circle itself. In case you want to use both fill and stroke, use fill
and color
in pathOptions
, you can find documentation about that in the typings: https://definitelytyped.org/docs/leaflet--leaflet/interfaces/l.pathoptions.html
Relevant code:
const colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "black", "purple", "gray"];
const Leaflet = () => {
const map = useMap();
const [currentTimeIndex, setCurrentTimeIndex] = useState(0);
const values = [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25, 5];
map.timeDimension.on("timeloading", (data) => {
const currentColor = useMemo(() => colors[currentTimeIndex], [
return (
<Pane name="markets" />
<TileLayer url={"https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"} />
{SenegalData.map((region) =>
region.items.map((market) => (
center={[market.lat, market.lon]}
radius={values[currentTimeIndex] * 1000}
color: currentColor
Updated codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/upbeat-dew-x11s1?file=/src/Leaflet.js