I'm running the insider preview version of Windows 11 for ARM64 and installed the Visual Studio Code ARM64 build.
Using dotnet new
(SDK 6 is installed) I was able to create a simple console app. It runs successfully using dotnet run
If, however, I try to debug the project from withing VS Code using ".NET Core Launch", I'm getting this error:
Error processing 'configurationDone' request. This version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) cannot be used to debug ARM64 processes or dumps. Please use the ARM64 version instead.
What do I need to install/configure to make this work?
At the time of this writing, the answer is to use the latest insider version (1.63.0-insider) of Visual Studio Code.
This particularly interesting, as the Apple Silicon version, which is also ARM code, does not require the insider build.