I'm trying to write some code, and there is one error I don't understand why I keep getting. I want to write to a file, and I have some functions to return different information about the struct I have built. Here is my code:
IkResult productWriteToFile(AmountSet inventory, FILE *file){
if (inventory == NULL) {
fprintf(file, "Inventory status:\n");
AS_FOREACH(Product, item, inventory){
for(Product prod = (Product) asGetFirst(inventory); prod != NULL;
prod = (Product) asGetNext(inventory)) {
fprintf(file,"name: %s, id: %d, amount: %.3f, price: %.3f\n", getProductName(prod),
(int)getProductId(prod), prod -> amount, (double)((prod -> item) -> prodPrice));
return SUCCESS;
and these are the "helper" functions:
unsigned int getProductId(Product prod){
return (prod -> item) -> id;
char* getProductName(Product prod){
return (prod -> item) -> name;
These is the error I am getting:
In function ‘productWriteToFile’:
item.c:183:21: error: pointer value used where a floating point value was expected
(int)getProductId(prod), prod -> amount, (double)((prod -> item) -> prodPrice));
Anybody knows what's the problem? Please help ><
UPDATE--- the structures are:
typedef double (*GetProductPrice)(ProductData, const double amount);
typedef void *ProductData;
struct product_t{
struct item_t item;
double amount;
Product* next;
struct item_t{
char* name;
int id;
GetProductPrice prodPrice;
AmountType type;
ProductData ProductData;
CopyData copy;
FreeData free_data;
The prodPrice
member has type GetProductPrice
, whose type is as follows:
typedef double (*GetProductPrice)(ProductData, const double amount);
This is type is not double
, but a pointer to a function that returns a double
. So you need to call the function.
prod->item->prodPrice(prod->item->ProductData, prod->amount)