I am trying to call a function to fetch data from an api and display the data. However when I call this function, the page refreshes and state is reset so the page doesn't display anything.
In a child component, I have an input box and a form. OnSubmit, this form will save input to state (listOfNames) in the parent component. I concatenate as the state is an array that can be added to at any time to search for more names. Result is displayed in table
<Form onSubmit={() => props.setListOfNames(props.listOfNames.concat(localName))}>
<FormControl type="text" placeholder="Add Name" onChange={(e) => setLocalName(e.target.value)}/>
<Button variant="outline-secondary" type="submit" variant="primary">Button</Button>
In the parent I have a UseEffect which detects a change to this state.
useEffect(() => {
}, [listOfNames]);
On change, it will call a function (searchNames) to fetch data from the api. The fetch function uses the listOfNames state to search .
const searchNames = () =>{
//e.preventDefault(); doesn't work even with 'e' as param
fetch(API_URL, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"},
body: JSON.stringify(listOfNames)
//... and so on
However when I call this function the whole page refreshes and the data won't display as the refresh resets listOfNames state to nothing before it can search. I want to know is it possible to pass an event to this function so I may preventDefault() or is there another solution.
the default behavior of onSubmit is refresh page you can do event.preventDefault()
to prevent default behavior like this
<Form onSubmit={(event) => {
<FormControl type="text" placeholder="Add Name" onChange={(e) => setLocalName(e.target.value)}/>
<Button variant="outline-secondary" type="submit" variant="primary">Button</Button>