An otherwise working as expected Keycloak Server is giving me a headache since I started to try and implement Application Initiated Actions.
Because looking for the topic results in a sparse selection of hands-on material, I got to go through the design document for AIA, especially the flows section.
According to the design document (Here is an entry to google groups where it's said that the feature "pretty much turned out as designed") flows should be constructed as
which resulted in this code in my templating engine:
`${keycloak.config.realmUrl}/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=${keycloak.config.clientId}&redirect_uri=${new URLSearchParams("http://localhost:3000/account").toString()}&kc_action=update_profile`
(pug variable) keycloak.config
is filled using keycloak.getConfig()
where keycloak
is the keycloak-connect instance.
The templating engine correctly substitutes the variables into a link that leads to my keycloak instance, where I am presented with (the german equivalent of) this error message:
Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider
Unerwarteter Fehler während der Bearbeitung der Anfrage an den Identity Provider.
There are no other identity providers configured.
How to correctly make the call to my Keycloak to kick off an AIA, if the way described in the design document leads to this error?
After my own research, I now got it to work. The error message seems misleading because I don't have another identity provider configured on that instance.
The kc_action parameter is expected to be in ALL CAPS. So
`${keycloak.config.realmUrl}/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=${keycloak.config.clientId}&redirect_uri=${new URLSearchParams("http://localhost:3000/account").toString()}&kc_action=update_profile`
should be
`${keycloak.config.realmUrl}/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=${keycloak.config.clientId}&redirect_uri=${new URLSearchParams("http://localhost:3000/account").toString()}&kc_action=UPDATE_PROFILE`
This needs to be documented somewhere for people to find, because I didn't see it explicitly mentioned in the "docs".
I also raised an enhancement request to the Keycloak documentation to document AIAs officially